8th National Excellent Drama Exhibition concludes in Nanning
Release Time:17:47, 28-05-2024
Source:Nanning Municipal People’s Government

Recently, the 80th anniversary of the Southwest Drama Exhibition and the 8th National Excellent Drama Exhibition concluded at Guangxi Culture and Art Center.

It is reported that the participating dramas in this exhibition covered a wide range of genres, including revolutionary history, contemporary reflections of the spirit of the times, traditional culture, and more. A total of 42 productions gathered in Nanning and Guilin, with over 80 performances showcased, providing a concentrated display of the fruitful achievements in national drama art creation and outstanding talents of recent years. The event also reviewed and summarized the historical contributions and contemporary significance of the Southwest Drama Exhibition. Over the 38-day duration, the exhibition attracted over an audience of 40,000 to the theaters, resulting in a total box office exceeding one million yuan. Additionally, more than 40 million people watched the live broadcasts online, leading to a continuous increase in discussions about topics such as “Southwest Drama Exhibition” and “Drama Exhibition” on social media, with the related information being viewed over 100 million times.

Reviewer1:  Wang Xiaoxuan

Reviewer2: Zhang Yanlan

Reviewer3:Tang Caihong

English Reviewer: Shen Fei