Kampi Picnic
Release Time:11:59, 11-07-2024
Source:Ministry of Tourism, Cambodia

Kampi Picnic in Cambodia.png

Kampi is a natural attraction in Kratie Province that is situated alongside the Mekong River, approximately 16 km from Kratie City and 1 km north of Kampi Dolphin. A small archipelago, Kampi attracts visitors with beautiful streams where visitors can bathe and swim. Kampi is a seasonal attraction and can be visited only during the dry season from January to May.

All sorts of Khmer food are sold at Kampi, including the famous local food is Chak Chreng dish (Chak Chreng is a species of snail living only in Kampi area).

Accommodations and food are arranged by the local community. 

Kampi is a very popular picnic area for Khmer families on weekends and at Khmer New Year.

Reviewer1:  Huang Mengyao

Reviewer2: Zhang Yanlan

Reviewer3:Tang Caihong

English Reviewer: Shen Fei